How To Get Rid Of Newborn Hiccups

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How To Get Rid Of Newborn Hiccups

How To Get Rid Of Newborn Hiccups

New parents often encounter the little quirks of their newborns, and one of the most common is hiccups. While they may seem adorable and harmless, hiccups can sometimes be distressing for parents and their babies. In this blog post, we’ll explore effective ways to gently and safely relieve your newborn of hiccups, ensuring comfort and peace for both baby and parent.

In a Nutshell

  • Understand the common causes: Learn why your newborn may be experiencing hiccups.
  • Gentle techniques to stop hiccups: Try practical, safe methods to soothe your baby.
  • Preventive tips: Simple strategies to help avoid future hiccups.
  • Seek medical advice when necessary: Recognize the signs that require professional attention.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Newborn Hiccups
  2. Effective Techniques to Relieve Hiccups
  3. Prevention Strategies
  4. When to Seek Medical Advice
  5. FAQ

Understanding Newborn Hiccups

Newborns experience hiccups due to their developing digestive and nervous systems. This is generally not a cause for concern. Here’s a breakdown of common reasons:

  • Overfeeding or feeding too quickly can lead to a distended stomach.
  • Swallowed air during feeding may irritate the diaphragm.
  • Sudden temperature changes affect the body and cause hiccups.
  • Read more about how to get rid of newborn hiccups and the underlying factors.

Effective Techniques to Relieve Hiccups

Employ these simple, non-invasive techniques to help soothe your baby’s hiccups:

  1. Burp your baby – Gently pat your baby on their back. This often releases gas.
  2. Change feeding positions – Try a different angle the next time you feed to reduce air intake.
  3. Use a pacifier – Sucking can help relax the diaphragm.
  4. Offer gripe water – Consult your pediatrician before use. It’s a herbal remedy designed for infants.
  5. Maintain calmness – Decrease stimulating environments. Babies can often absorb their parent’s stress.

These tips are elaborated on the how to get rid of newborn hiccups page on

Prevention Strategies

Preventing hiccups is easier with a few established habits:

  • Feed baby before they become extremely hungry to keep them calm and slow in their sucking.
  • Allow breaks during feeding to burp and settle your baby.
  • Ensure a good latch – making sure baby’s mouth is correctly positioned on the nipple or bottle.
  • Avoid over-stimulation after meals.
  • Dependable advice on how to get rid of hiccups through preventive measures can be immensely beneficial.

When to Seek Medical Advice

If hiccups persist or are accompanied by other concerns, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional. Indicators include:

  • Hiccups lasting more than a few hours.
  • Affecting your baby’s ability to eat or sleep.
  • Signs of distress or breathing difficulties.
  • Frequent episodes, as they might indicate underlying medical conditions or acid reflux.

For more comprehensive information, you might want to check The Mayo Clinic resources or advice from reputable pediatric sources like KidsHealth.


1. Are newborn hiccups normal?
Yes, they are typically a normal reflex as your baby’s body develops.

2. Can hiccups harm my baby?
Hiccups are usually harmless and cause no distress to the baby.

3. Should I stop feeding if my baby gets hiccups?
It’s beneficial to pause and burp your baby if hiccups start during feeding.

4. Do hiccups indicate any illness?
Persistent hiccups can be a sign of reflux, but it’s usually not serious. Consult your doctor if concerned.

5. Is gripe water effective for hiccups?
Some parents find it helpful. Always seek advice from a pediatrician before use.

6. How can I help my baby be more comfortable when they have hiccups?
Ensure they are in a calm environment, possibly with some gentle rocking or snuggling.

For more detailed answers and insights, consider visiting WebMD or BabyCenter.

Streamlining your efforts to manage newborn hiccups can bring peace to your parenting journey and comfort to your little one. Implement these tips and approaches, with the assurance that most hiccups are just a natural part of growth.


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